Аккумуляторы ladda 2450



You will need to include ONE of the two style sheets in the /dist directory.
If you want the button styles used on the demo page, use the ladda.min.css file.
If you want to have the functional buttons without the visual style (colors, padding, etc.),
use the ladda-themeless.min.css file.


Below is an example of a button using the animation style.

<button class="ladda-button" data-style="expand-right">Submit</button>

When the JS code runs to bind Ladda to the button, the class
will be automatically added if it doesn’t already exist. Additionally, a span
with class will automatically wrap the button text, resulting
in the following DOM structure:

<button class="ladda-button" data-style="expand-right">
    <span class="ladda-label">Submit</span>

Buttons accept the following attributes:

  • data-style: one of the button styles

    • expand-left, expand-right, expand-up, expand-down
    • contract, contract-overlay
    • zoom-in, zoom-out
    • slide-left, slide-right, slide-up, slide-down
  • data-color: green/red/blue/purple/mint
  • data-size: xs/s/l/xl, defaults to medium
  • data-spinner-size: pixel dimensions of spinner, defaults to dynamic size based on the button height
  • data-spinner-color: a hex code or any named CSS color, defaults to
  • data-spinner-lines: the number of lines for the spinner, defaults to


Start by importing the Ladda module:

import * as Ladda from 'ladda';

The following approach is recommended for JavaScript control over your buttons:

// Create a new instance of ladda for the specified button
var l = Ladda.create(document.querySelector('.my-button'));

// Start loading

// Will display a progress bar for 50% of the button width

// Stop loading

// Toggle between loading/not loading states

// Check the current state

// Delete the button's ladda instance

To show the loading animation for a form that is submitted to the server
(always resulting in a page reload) the method can be used:

// Automatically trigger the loading animation on click

// Same as the above but automatically stops after two seconds
Ladda.bind('button', {timeout: 2000});

Note: when using the method on buttons that are inside a form,
loading indicators will not be shown until the form is valid.

All loading animations on the page can be stopped by using:


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