About our blades

Как выглядит и в чем особенность такого станка?

Т образные бритвы «Butterfly» – это истинная революция в сфере бритья для мужчин по всему миру. Если раньше приходилось постоянно тратить кучу денег на дорогие многолезвийные картриджи, чтобы обновлять бритвы, а также отвлекаться на посторонние маркетинговые удочки от производителей, вроде вращающихся головок, вибрации и прочих идей, сегодня есть бритва бабочка с доступным механизмом работы.

Внешне Т образная бритва «Butterfly» – это бритва из металла, состоящая из трех деталей, головки, сменных лезвий и рукояти. Головка подразумевает двухстороннее лезвие, а также открывающиеся створки верхней панели для изымания «перьев». На рукояти сразу под головкой располагается кольцо, которое нужно крутить для открытия створок, а также для регулирования угла наклона лезвий по отношению к коже лица.

Для справки! Ярким представителем идеальной бабочки считается модель Rockwell Model T Razor от американского производителя.

Особенности Т образной бритвы «Butterfly» заключаются в следующем:

  • Система Twist-To-Open для открытия головки бритвы с целью смены «перьев». То есть подразумевается вращение и открытие, верхняя пластина крышки раскрывается двумя створками при вращении кольцом, которое располагается на ручке бритвы.
  • Если поменять степень зажима лезвия кольцом в пределах 1-6 позиций, можно тем самым регулировать конструкцию под индивидуальные требования, а именно угол наклона лезвий. Тем самым мужчина сможет устанавливать степень агрессивности станка, учитывая свои навыки и опыт эксплуатации станка.
  • Для такого инструмента можно подобрать любые «перья» стандартного размера, могут быть разные поставщики, производители и разная степень остроты.

Т образная бритва выполнена, как правило, из нержавеющей стали и других видов прочного и долговечного по службе металла. Ручка у станка будет текстурированной, чтобы во время бритье станок не выскальзывал из рук и прочно держался. Чем больше вес у станка, тем ближе будет располагаться к коже лица лезвие, соответственно, волоски будут срезаться под ноль.

Rockwell 6C

The 6C and 6S are the same razors – the only difference would be the material of the frame and finish.

This variant uses a high-end, premium zinc alloy metal frame. There are two types of finishes depending on your taste – chrome or gunmetal finish.

Out of the box, you’ll get three base plates like the 6S that will give you six levels of adjustability.

  • 1-1/3 base plate
  • 1-2/4 base plate
  • 1-5/16 base plate

All these plates are usable on both sides.

The grip is excellent, thanks to the deep knurling that covers a majority of the handle.

The horizontal groove at the bottom adds to that grip to protect the razor from slipping off your hands in very damp conditions in the bathroom.

One trick that men use to prevent the razor from slipping is coating their fingertips with alum block.

This hack will keep your fingertips sticky even if it’s covered with shave cream.

The 6C will cost half the price of the 6S because it uses a cheaper zinc metal as a frame.

Obviously, stainless is known for its ability to resist rust; zinc alloy won’t have a good quality of resisting rust.

Having the chrome or gunmetal finish adds that layer of protection, but you’ll have to do your part and dry the razor after using it to prevent the finish from chipping.

The good news is cleaning is easy since this is a three-piece razor. This gives you the ability to quickly dry each part thoroughly.


  • Costs half that of the 6S but will still have the same level of adjustability
  • Lifetime warranty – all Rockwell razors come with this by the way
  • Being a three-piece razor makes it easy to clean
  • Great balance
  • The grip is excellent thanks to the deep knurling


  • The finish isn’t as durable as the all stainless 6S
  • Still more expensive than the Merkur 34C but that is somewhat offset by the adjustability

How Easy is it to Load the Blade?

First, the 6S is a 3 piece razor. This means that it features the top, the head’s base and handle. To load the blade, you’ll have to disassemble these parts to gain access to the blade plate. In comparison to a 2-piece or Twist-to-Open razor, this process is longer and harder.

The process of loading a blade on the 6S is similar to that of other 3-piece razors. Hold the head using a towel or paper at the sides and twist the handle to loosen it. Once you’ve detached the handle from the head, lift the base plate. This will leave you with the blade and the top cap.

You can now remove the blade. It doesn’t matter whether the blade is still sharp or dull. Always hold it from the side tabs.

Rockwell 6S

The 6S is Rockwell’s flagship safety razor and their most expensive.

It’s their only product in their lineup with a stainless steel finish. Thus it has the “S.”

And the 6 stands for the six adjustable settings that allow you to shave aggressive or mild depending on the need.

Unlike the Merkur Progress, this razor does not have a knob that adjusts blade exposure and angle.

The 6S and the other Rockwell razors that are adjustable make this possible by merely changing the bottom plate.

Yes, you guessed right, this is a three-piece razor that has a total of 3 bottom plates – both sides of which are usable.

One advantage that this design has over the traditional adjustable razor is simplicity. You don’t have to worry about the adjustment knob wearing out.

If you need an aggressive shave, use the base plates with a higher number. For a light shave, use the base plate with the lower setting.

Being a three-piece razor means it will be easier to clean, and these razors are typically cheaper to manufacture.

So despite having a stainless steel finish, Rockwell razor was able to keep the prices down to around $100.

If you buy a Feather AS-D2, that will set you back over $150, and you’ll only get a single setting.


  • Stainless steel finish will last for decades
  • The simple design ensures longevity because there are fewer moving parts
  • 6 adjustable settings
  • Cheaper than a Feather AS-D2
  • Beautiful packaging where you can store everything (also a great gift idea for men)

Precision Craftmanship

Rockwell’s superior craftsmanship is evident in many places on the razor – the knurling, top plate and interchangeable base plates are some of them.

The knurling shaped in a diamond style has deep grooves complemented by two horizontal grooves for a solid grip. With this knurling, the razor will not slip off even when your hands are wet.

The 6S is without a doubt a high-quality product – one that provides consumers with value for their money. And actually, in comparison to other razors with similar characteristics, the 6S price tag is a bargain.

But despite this, I acknowledge that not everyone can afford it. However, if you aim to make a purchase that will not have you back on the market shopping for a new safety razor in the near future (or ever), you should seriously consider investing in this razor.

It’s a one-time investment. Other recurring expenses including blades, shaving brushes and shaving creams (in comparison to cartridge razors) will not cost you a fortune in the long run.

The verdict

Rockwell razor is really making a splash with their 4 products. Consumers really like this and a big reason why it’s popular.

Another strong point of this product is balance and heftiness. These products are by no means cheap. Some reviews say that the 6C and 6S have more heft than the Merkur.

Having different base plates as opposed to using the twisting know at the bottom to adjust blade exposure is another unique feature.

I have not seen other brands adopt this.

For one, it’s simpler for the manufacturer, and the simplicity of it bodes well for its longevity. Second, it’s straightforward to clean. Loading the blade will take a bit more work, but I don’t think it’s a big deal.

The top-of-the-line 6C and 6S are great for men with thick facial hair that grows fast.

It gives them 6 different levels of aggressiveness, depending on their need. I’d say the 6S is a better value than the Feather AS-D2 because you can shave mild or aggressive with this.

Having you tried using a Rockwell razor? If you, please do share your thoughts in the comments section below. I’d love to hear from you.

Rockwell 2C

Budget-conscious shavers who don’t want to spend between $50 and $100 on a safety razor can opt for the Rockwell 2C.

It does not have the same adjustability as the 6S or 6S, with only two levels of adjustability with the single plate.

This variant is best suited for beginners looking to get into wet shaving and want to develop their skills first before buying something more expensive.

Rockwell says that this safety razor has both settings 1 and 3 – two of their most popular configurations. This equates to a mild to mid-level aggressiveness.

Setting 1 has the least amount of blade exposure and is the safest for beginners.

Like the 6C, the Rockwell 2C uses a zinc alloy metal frame with a white chrome finish or gunmetal finish.

It’s also a 3-piece razor so it will be easier to clean.


  • Cheapest of Rockwell’s 3-piece razor series at just $30
  • A great option for men just starting out to wet shave
  • The three-piece design makes it very easy to clean
  • Excellent finish
  • Deep knurling prevents it from slipping during the shaving process

Rockwell Razors Soaps & Accessories

For the purposes of this review, I didn’t just pick out the two razors to compare. In fact, I wanted to also take a look at Rockwell’s other offerings. After all, the brand has excelled in making quality razors so it was interesting to see how they fared elsewhere.

During the shave, I used both Rockwell’s razor blades and the barbershop shaving soap. As I mentioned earlier, I really liked both. Firstly, the blades were nicely coated and offered the perfect balance between a smooth and not overly-aggressive shave.

Secondly, the soap provides a nice and creamy lather, which distributes evenly across the face. It’s quite thick so you’ll need a fair bit of water for the perfect lather. Whilst the scent was thoroughly refreshing, I didn’t think it smelled a lot like a barbershop.

Instead, it was a very masculine fougère with overt notes of fennel and aromatics. That said, the fragrance was far from overpowering and still very pleasant.

Rockwell “Inkwell” Razor Stand

One item that I thought was particularly handy and almost indispensable was Rockwell’s own razor stand. Using this for my shave made me wonder how I managed before as it was very practical between passes.

I decided to go for the gunmetal one, which matches the Rockwell 6C. Made from chromed brass, it’s a small yet very heavy chunk of metal in which you can place the razor’s handle. However, there’s also a stainless steel option available.

The stand is also designed with a small hole underneath. This lets the water drain away as the razor begins to dry, which is an ideal solution to avoid the razor rusting over time.

Although you shouldn’t usually leave your razor in a humid environment, I did like being able to proudly place it on the counter top to admire later.

Rockwell Razors Beard & Body Soap

During my pre-shave shower, I also tried out the beard and body bar soap. Overall, I really liked this product and used it for my body, face and even my hair. As I don’t like the damaging properties of shampoo, I often use natural Aleppo soap so I figured I’d try this out.

Made with a blend of jojoba oil, coconut oil, shea butter and activated charcoal, the soap features natural ingredients. This gives me a exhilarating and moisturising clean. Meanwhile, coffee in the soap helped exfoliate the skin.

Overall, the ingredients were all quite natural. However, I did raise an eyebrow at the inclusion of titanium dioxide, which seemed somewhat out of place. Nevertheless, I’ll be sure to include this soap in my daily routine as the rest of the blend is extraordinary.

It’s also a big and chunky bar unlike a lot of other beard soaps, which can be tiny. At $10, you get a hefty 6 Oz (170 g) bar, which will last quite a while.

Rockwell Razors Folding Moustache & Beard Comb

Although I’m now beardless, I couldn’t resist Rockwell’s flashy little folding comb. Made in a stylish brown colour, it features Rockwell’s decidedly rockabilly logo across the handle and above the teeth.

Although I couldn’t find confirmation on the site, it appears to be made from cellulose acetate rather than plastic. I’m presuming this just off the way the shape appears to have been cut rather than moulded with no visible seams. If it’s indeed the case, it’s of a very good quality and offers great value for money at only $10 a piece.

As I mentioned, I may not currently have a beard but I did keep it handy to comb my hair every now and then. The teeth are perhaps a touch short for this but it was quite effective and convenient to have on-hand.

Buy Now

  • Rockwell 6S: $100
  • Rockwell 6C: $50
  • Inkwell Gunmetal Razor Stand: $30
  • Rockwell Shaving Soap: $15 
  • Beard & Body Bar: $10
  • Foldable Moustache & Beard Comb: $10

What to Expect From This Beauty

Before we dive into the expectations, here’s a little Rockwell history to give you some perspective about the product.

Rockwell Razor was created by 2 students – Morgan Nordstrom and Gareth Everard in 2014. The two launched a Kickstarter campaign. This was to raise the capital needed to commence production of the revolutionary safety razor. The target was CAD $12,000.

However, it ended up raising a whopping CAD $147,891 in just 1 day. The campaign gave the 2 students more than enough money to actualize their vision of creating a durable, functional, and affordable safety razor.

A Pioneer

The 6S is the flagship razor and the most costly. The razor quality captured the hearts of many. But despite the quality and high price tag, the 6S is cheaper than the Feather DE Safety razor.

Consumers sing its praise. The branded leather foam padded box it comes in makes it even more appealing and gives it a premium feel.

The company makes other models as well, such as the R1 , a beginner razor with a fixed and mild setting.

2CModel T

All razors come with a lifetime warranty – rather unique in this market!

# Preview Product Rating Price
1 Rockwell Razors 6S Stainless Steel Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor + 5 Swedish Stainless Steel… No ratings yet $99.99
2 Rockwell Razors Swedish Stainless Steel Double-Edge Safety Razor Blades — 20-Pack (4 Month Supply) No ratings yet $7.99
3 Rockwell Razors R1 Double Edge Safety Razor in White Chrome, Butterfly Open + 5 Swedish Stainless… No ratings yet $14.99
4 Rockwell Razors Gunmetal Stand | For The Rockwell 2C & 6C and Other Double-Edge Safety Razors No ratings yet $29.99
5 Rockwell Shave Cream for Men — Barbershop Scent — Rich & Thick Lather for All Skin and Stubble Types… 50 Reviews $14.99

Last update on 2020-08-31 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Includes 5 Rockwell Blades

I should start by pointing out that these blades are affordable, comfortable and recyclable. In addition to these, the blades are double-edged. With this blade design, you can shave using any razor edge to shave.

Admittedly, these are not the sharpest blades on the market. However, they are enough to provide a comfortable close shave. And given the razor’s 6 adjustable shave settings, you can achieve any trim you prefer.

With that said, while the 6S comes with Rockwell blades, it’s compatible with other blade brands as well.

As such, you’ll never have trouble finding blade replacement for your razor. Heck, you might get the Feather blades if you have a particularly tough beard. Personally, I would pick up a sampler pack  to find my personal favorite.

Yeah, But How’s The Shave?

Remember, I’m using a prototype, so my comments may or may not reflect on the final product. For my first test shave with the Rockwell model T I used Rockwell blades.  In retrospect I probably shouldn’t have done that since I don’t have a lot of experience with them.  I was also rocking a three day growth of stubble.  My first pass was at the mildest setting (#1) which knocked down the bulk of my stubble easily enough but was perhaps a bit less comfortable than I was expecting.  I decided to repeat the first pass on a slightly higher setting (#2)–again, a bit harsh but not bad.  The balance of the shave was at setting #3 and realized that’s about as high as I wanted to go.  I got a “BBS” shave out of it but I did have a few “weepers” by the end.  Although the settings are supposed to match the Rockwell model 6S I think the T is actually a bit more aggressive.  The larger head turned out to not be an issue, as I was able to maneuver around my nose without much of a problem. I used a more familiar blade for my other shaves, a Polsilver Iridium.  Those shaves were much smoother-feeling, so I suspect Rockwell blades just aren’t for me (YMMV).  But I still think this model T is a bit more aggressive “per setting” compared to its 6S counterpart.  This is probably just an engineering tweak.  On the whole though, once I was able to “dial in” my preferred settings, I got a really nice shave. Be sure to take a listen to this Wet Shaving News podcast with Rockwell. Be sure to check out the Rockwell model T Kickstarter page for up-to-date information.

Rockwell R1

The Rockwell R1 is their entry type razor and the cheapest of the four variants at just around $15.

Despite the low price, this product is still eligible for the lifetime warranty that Rockwell backs their razors with.

Pretty impressive considering other brands, even those new in the market don’t do.

Unlike the other three razors in the Rockwell lineup that use a three-piece design, this razor has a butterfly head that makes it quite easy to load the blade.

In terms of aggressiveness, this razor is pretty mild and is another option for newbies looking to wet shave for the first time.

The grip is also excellent thanks to the deep box-shape grooves across the handle. It also has four horizontal slots – two below the neck and two at the bottom for extra grip.

The micro comb design adds to the safety feature of this razor that will help prevent accidental nicks.


  • Butterfly doors make it very easy to load the blade
  • The cheapest option of the 4 razors
  • Mild razor makes it suitable for beginners

Rockwell 6C

Essentially, the Rockwell 6C is the same as the 6S. The difference (as earlier pointed out) is the material used to make the frame and the finish. The 6C weighs 100 grams. This makes it lighter than the Rockwell 6S which comes in at 120 grams. Also, the 6C doesn’t come in a leather box like the 6S. Instead, its packaged in a branded carton box.

Quick note – while the 6S is made in the US, the 6C is made in China. But this doesn’t mean its quality is lower. Both feature lifetime warranty.

The 6C has a chrome or gunmetal finish.

The 6C also has 3 adjustable base-plates with 6 settings. The grip is good and the aggressiveness is right-on.


The Rockwell Model T adjustable razor was long-awaited by the traditional wet shaving community and the final result was, frankly, a little disappointing to many of them.  Their expectations–based on the previous success of the Rockwell 6S razor and the initial specs of the Model T’s crowdfunding campaign–were not met.  And the pricing is in a bit of a weird place: far above other metal alloy adjustable razors and approaching the price of the Rex Ambassador adjustable razor, which is fully stainless steel.

The razor’s adjustment window favors the high end so if you have a thick beard or otherwise prefer “aggressive” or “efficient” razors you will probably like the Rockwell Model T.  And it does “feel” good in the hand and performs well.

The Rockwell Model T adjustable razor is available from Rockwell as well as other vendors such as Maggard and Amazon.

Do you have a Rockwell Model T adjustable razor?  What do you think of it?  Leave a comment below!


All Rockwell razor variants come with a lifetime guarantee. Nope, that is not a misprint, a lifetime guarantee.

That means if any part of the razor breaks during regular use, they will send you appropriate replacement parts FOR FREE.

Just don’t abuse the razor and break it on purpose, or you’ll have to cover for the shipping costs.

They also have a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with the shave, just return it. Rockwell will even cover the shipping costs for you.

This is a great deal. I don’t know how long Rockwell will offer this, but very few safety razor brands provide this type of coverage.

Rockwell 6S Features

  • 316L space-grade stainless steel
  • Flippable base plates to adjust its aggressiveness through 6 levels
  • 3-piece design
  • Comes with 5 Rockwell double-edged blades
  • Branded leather foam padded box
  • Made in USA
  • Lifetime warranty

Model: Rockwell 6S

Overall Length: 3.75 inches/ 95 mm

Handle Length: 3.45 inches/ 88 mm

Handle Diameter: 0.47/ 12 mm

Weight: 4.2 ounces/ 118 grams

Material: 316L Grade Inox

Finish: Matte

Type: 3-piece

Adjustable: Yes

Knurled handle: Yes

Included: 5 Rockwell double-edged blades

Weight: (5/5)

Grip: (5/5)

Length: (5/5)

Aggressiveness (Adjustable): (5/5)

Blade Replacement: (5/5)

Shave Quality: (5/5)

Affordability: (4.5/5)

We Like

  • It is corrosion and rust proof
  • It has 3 plates which provide 6 levels of adjustability
  • The handle has deep knurling for improved grip
  • Beautiful and functional design which contributes to its durability

Keep This in Mind

Mild Razor

Now I know that this might sound a bit contradictory. But bear with me here. It’s a fact that the 6S is adjustable courtesy of the changeable base plates. You can vary the aggressiveness of the razor by interchanging and flipping the plates as you please. You also can opt to choose sharper blades.

However, even with the sharpest blade and highest rating, you still have to make several passes over the skin to achieve a superbly smooth and clean shave. While this means you will spend a little more time on the mirror shaving your shin and face, it also means that your chances of nicking, cutting and irritating your skin are minimal.

Where to Buy a Rockwell Razor

You can get the razor  on Amazon. Click here for 6C . And here’s the best part – the Rockwell Razor has a lifetime warranty. This says a lot about the confidence Rockwell has in its products. With such trust, what’s to stop consumers from trusting them as well?

As our Rockwell 6S review comes to an end – this razor is well worth the investment.

# Preview Product Rating Price
1 Rockwell Razors 6S Stainless Steel Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor + 5 Swedish Stainless Steel… No ratings yet $99.99
2 Rockwell Razors Swedish Stainless Steel Double-Edge Safety Razor Blades — 20-Pack (4 Month Supply) No ratings yet $7.99
3 Rockwell Razors R1 Double Edge Safety Razor in White Chrome, Butterfly Open + 5 Swedish Stainless… No ratings yet $14.99
4 Rockwell Razors Gunmetal Stand | For The Rockwell 2C & 6C and Other Double-Edge Safety Razors No ratings yet $29.99
5 Rockwell Shave Cream for Men — Barbershop Scent — Rich & Thick Lather for All Skin and Stubble Types… 50 Reviews $14.99

Last update on 2020-08-31 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Rockwell Razors Model 6S & 6C (Summary)

In a hurry? Here is the key takeaway:

Recommended Use: Intermediate

Editor’s Rating: (5/5)

Value for Money: (4.5/5)

Quality: (5/5)

Amazon Rating: check out more than a hundred ratings, reviews and feedback’s on amazon.

Summary: The Rockwell Razors are best for wet shavers who do not want to compromise on the quality of the razor or are looking for a product that will last for a long time. The Rockwell 6C will last for a decent time if you take good care of it. However, even the best chrome finish will dull and chip eventually. This is where inox beats metal. It won’t fade or rust in a hot and humid environment like other metals will.


Model T Specs

The look of the razor bears a passing resemblance to vintage Gillette adjustable razors, with a gap adjustment dial under the head and a twist-to-open (TTO) dial at the base of the handle.  Both dials have a very smooth action.  The numbers on the gap adjustment dials range from 1 to 6 and use the same gap distances as the corresponding base plate on the 6S–but since the adjustment is continuous any gap size from either end of the scale is possible.
As you can see from the picture above, the Rockwell model T (prototype on the right) is longer and a bit larger than the model 6S (on the left).  The T’s weight comes in at 109 grams (without blade) on my digital kitchen scale, which is actually slightly lighter than my 6S (which runs about 115 grams) but I still consider it a heavyweight.  The handle is about 3.5 inches (~9 cm).  The head is a bit wider than average: about 4.5 cm x 2.5 cm and 1 cm tall on my office supply store ruler.  For comparison purposes the Rockwell 6S head is about 4 cm x 2.5 cm x 1 cm tall and a bog-standard Edwin Jagger DE89 head is about 4.1 cm x 2.5 cm x 0.8 cm tall.  Perhaps a more “apples to apples” comparison might be the Merkur Futur though, which has a head of about 5 cm x 2.5 cm x 1 cm tall and weighs 125 grams.
Unlike the stainless steel Rockwell 6S, the materials for the Rockwell T are the more commonplace chrome over brass.  That should hopefully help keep the costs down.  But a list price hasn’t been determined yet.

Why is Rockwell 6S More Expensive?

You might have been clueless when we started out but surely you’ve caught on by now. The 6S has a simple and functional design. The 316L space-grade inox steel used to make the razor gives it durability and resistance to corrosion and rust. This alone is enough to charge a premium.

However, if you are looking to have the same shaving experience but for a fraction of the cost, you can prefer the 6C. This razor has a chrome finish. Rockwell can afford to charge way less for it since the price of production is lower.

Note: with time the beautiful shine of the chrome will fade and chip. But if you don’t mind this, then the 6C is a great alternative.


The 6S does not disappoint on this front. Here’s why.

Rockwell planned this razor with a flippable base plate design. They availed these with varying exposure settings on each side (they are reversible). This design helps them save on costs while still providing optimal functionality and aggressiveness level options. The results are 6 adjustable settings.

Blade exposure is as follows:

  • Size 1-3: this size is best for sensitive skin and men who shave frequently. Additionally, the minimal exposure is great for beginners who are still learning the art of wet shaving. It helps to reduce nicks, cuts, and irritations.
  • Size 2-4: these sizes are best for achieving a smooth shave on regular skin. It’s also perfect for shaving beards several days old.
  • Size 5-6: these two sizes are best for trimming curly and coarse hair. If you have a coarse beard or stubble, this is the best razor setting to use.

So essentially, for light shaves, low-numbered settings are better. For more aggressive shaves, higher-numbered plates are preferred.

Note: the 6S the base plate design means the razor lacks an adjustment knob as most razors do. This is a plus since you don’t have to worry about the knob wearing out with time.

This is a completely different approach to adjustable razors than for example Merkur Futur or Merkur Progress or recently on Parker Variant. But I like it!

Stainless Steel vs. Chrome Finish

# Preview Product Rating Price
1 Rockwell Shave Cream for Men — Barbershop Scent — Rich & Thick Lather for All Skin and Stubble Types… 50 Reviews $14.99
2 Rockwell Razors Synthetic Bristle Shave Brush with Premium Black Acrylic Handle — 20mm Knot 52 Reviews $14.99
3 Rockwell After Shave Balm for Men — Barbershop Scent — All-Natural Moisturizing Aftershave Lotion… 51 Reviews $14.87
4 Rockwell Razors R1 Double Edge Safety Razor in White Chrome, Butterfly Open + 5 Swedish Stainless… No ratings yet $14.99
5 Leather Double Edge Safety Razor Head Protective Sheath / Shaving Travel Cover Handmade by Hide &… No ratings yet $12.99

Last update on 2020-08-31 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

It is true that razors with a chrome finish are great to look at. However, it’s also true that the chrome fades and chips over time regardless of how much care and maintenance the razor is afforded. The loss of “beauty” is caused by the humid and hot environment in bathrooms.

But why are chrome safety razors common and very popular? Well, they are cheap. With $20 or $40, you can get a decent safety razor with this finish. Heck, if the quality is the least of your concerns, you can get one with a tag below $20.

On the flip side, safety razor companies also use stainless steel to make their razors. It makes razors long-lasting. It protects the razor from corrosion.

From this, you now understand why the two razors Rockwell 6s and 6C have such a huge difference in price.

But an inox steel design and make is not the only thing that the Rockwell 6S has going on for itself.

It’s adorned with quite a few qualities which make it easy to fall in love with. Here’s a quick review of the safety razor.

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