Virtual serial port driver полностью имитирует реальный серийный порт

Virtual Serial Port Driver main features

Virtual COM Port Driver is a powerful technology designed specifically for those who develop, test, or debug serial port software and hardware. This solution will provide your system with as many virtual COM interfaces as you need.

Easy way to add more COM ports in the system

Virtual Serial Port Driver is a software solution that doesn’t require any additional hardware and cables. No need to occupy real COM ports. Virtual ports fully emulate real ones, so that applications don’t see any difference.

Unlimited number of COM ports

With Virtual Serial Port Driver, you can create as many pairs of virtual ports as you need. Any data sent to one port in the pair is momentarily received by the other port.

Full serial emulation

Virtual COM ports operate the same as real ones and any application can work with them as if they were real physical ports on your computer. Each pair of virtual serial ports supports all hardware signal lines and allows setting any type of signal line connection. If the emulated device works at a fixed speed, there is no problem to emulate the needed baud rate with Virtual Serial Port Driver.

3.1 Создание SSL-сертификата

Скачиваем последний релиз клиента со страницы проекта на GitHub

Распакуем его в каталог на сервере с IIS: c:\inetpub\letsencrypt

Затем нужно будет выбрать, что необходимо создать новый сертификат (N: Create new certificate) и выбрать тип сертификата (в нашем примере нет необходимости использовать сертификат с несколькими SAN), поэтому достаточно выбрать пункт 1. Single binding of an IIS site.

Далее утилита выведет список запущенных на IIS сайтов и предложит выбрать сайт, для которого нужно выпустить сертификат.

Следующий этап – выполнение валидации домена. Доступно несколько вариантов валидации: TLS, через запись в DNS или через HTTP). Самый простой вариант — выбрать пункт 4 Create temporary application in IIS (recommended). В этом случае на веб-сервере будет создано небольшое приложение, через которое серверы Let’s Encrypt смогут провести валидацию.

Примечание. При выполнении TLS/HTTP проверки ваш сайт должен быть доступен снаружи по полному DNS имени по протоколам HTTP (80/TCP) и HTTPS (443/TCP).

После валидации утилита letsencrypt-win-simple автоматически отправит запрос на генерацию сертификата, скачает его (все необходимые файлы, а также закрытый ключ сохраняются в каталог C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-simple) и создаст привязку на сайте IIS. В том случае, если на сайте уже установлен SSL-сертификат, он будет заменен новым. Кроме того, будет создано правило в планировщике заданий Windows, которое запускается каждый день и автоматически выпускает и устанавливает новый сертификат каждые 60 дней.

The frequently asked questions

A virtual COM port is a software package emulating a hardware serial port in such a way that your operating system and all applications recognize it and interact with it as though it were a real COM interface.

A virtual COM port is often used for connecting some specialized COM-enabled equipment (commercial, laboratory, control system devices, etc.) to modern desktop computers and laptops that don’t have a physical serial port.

In order to create a virtual serial port, do the following:

  1. Download the dedicated software and install it on your PC.
  2. Start the app and head to the “Manage ports” tab.
  3. Type some custom port names or select the names from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click “Add pair”.

Now you can see the two newly-created virtual serial ports in the Serial Ports Explorer and Device Manager of your computer.
Note: The software lets you create as many virtual COM port pairs as you want.

Vorteile von Virtual Serial Port Driver

Virtual COM Port Driver ist eine leistungsstarke Technologie, die speziell für diejenigen entwickelt wurde, die Software und Hardware für serielle Ports entwickeln, testen oder debuggen. Diese Lösung stellt Ihrem System so viele virtuelle COM-Schnittstellen zur Verfügung, wie Sie benötigen.

Mehrere COM-Ports

Serial Port Emulator ist eine Softwarelösung die ganz ohne zusätzliche Hardware oder Kabel auskommt. Reale COM-Ports müssen nicht belegt werden. Virtuelle Ports emuliert reale Ports so dass Anwendung nichts davon merken.

Unbegrenzte Anzahl von COM-Ports

Mit Virtual Serial Port Driver können Sie so viele Paare virtueller Ports erzeugen wie benötigt. Die von einem Port gesendeten Daten stehen am anderen Port unmittelbar zur Verfügung.

Volle Emulation

Virtuelle COM-Ports funktionieren genauso wie reale und jede Anwendung kann damit wie mit realen physikalischen Ports auf Ihrem Rechner arbeiten. Jedes virtuelle Port-Paar unterstützt alle Hardwaresignalleitungen und erlaubt die Einstellung jeder Art von Verbindung. Falls erforderlich kann problemlos eine fest eingestellte Übertragungsrate emuliert werden.

Causes of Virtual Serial Port Emulator?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «Virtual Serial Port Emulator» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

Comparação das versões STANDARD e PRO

# Funcionalidades Standard Pro
1 Criar um número ilimitado de pares de portas série virtuais
2 Emulação total das configurações e linhas de controle de hardware reais da porta COM
3 Dividir uma porta COM (física ou virtual) em várias portas virtuais
4 Mesclar um número ilimitado de portas série físicas ou virtuais em uma porta COM virtual
5 Criar pacotes de portas complexas
6 Capacidade de excluir portas já abertas por outros aplicativos
7 Alta velocidade de transferência de dados de/para uma porta serial virtual
8 Capacidade de encaminhar o tráfego série de uma porta real para outra porta real ou virtual
9 Emulação de taxa de transmissão estrita
10 Disponibilidade de diferentes esquemas virtuais de modem nulo: padrão/loopback/personalizado
11 Capacidade de atribuir um nome personalizado a uma porta serial virtual, incluindo nomes já utilizados por portas reais
12 O software e todos os seus drivers internos são assinados digitalmente
13 Suporte à tecnologia do driver kernel do Windows (WDM, WMI, Power Management, PnP, etc.)
14 Suporte para hyper-threading e VMware
15 Possibilidade de definir direitos de leitura e gravação para todas as portas
16 Salvar os dados do uso de portas pelos aplicativos no «Activity log’
17 Capacidade de personalizar os parâmetros de conexões para uma porta serial real (taxa de transmissão, paridade, controle de fluxo, bits de dados e bits de parada)
18 Não há necessidade de reiniciar o computador após a instalação do software, criação ou reconfiguração de portas série virtuais
19 Recriação automática de portas na reinicialização do sistema (antes do logon de usuário)
20 Capacidade de alterar os nomes das portas COM virtuais criadas pelo VSPD e exibidas no Gerenciador de Dispositivos
21 Suporte total do controle HandFlow (Hardware e Xon/Xoff)
22 Compartilhar uma porta COM real entre vários aplicativos ao mesmo tempo
23 Capacidade de mesclar várias portas série em um único pacote

FAQ about Serial Port Monitor

Для получения и анализа данных COM-порта необходимо начать сессию последовательного мониторинга. Вот как это можно сделать используя Serial Port Monitor:

  1. Скачайте и установите программу на свой компьютер компьютер под управлением Windows;
  2. Запустите Serial Port Monitor и выберите Сессия > Новая сессия в главном меню;
  3. В открывшемся окне выберите COM-порт, который собираетесь мониторить;
  4. После этого выберите нужный вам режим просмотра данных мониторинга: Таблица, Строка, Dump или Modbus;
  5. Выберите опцию “Начать мониторинг сейчас” или “Начать мониторинг в новом окне”;
  6. Отметьте события о которых вы хотели бы получить информацию – Создать/Закрыть, Чтение/Запись), Управление устройством;
  7. Для активации сессии нажмите ”Начать мониторинг”.

Для проверки работы COM-порта существует специальное программное обеспечение для сканирования последовательных портов. Serial Port Monitor для Windows предлагает вам целый набор высокотехнологичных инструментов для тестирования COM-портов.

  • Ниже приведены некоторые функциональные возможности программы, необходимые для проверки ваших RS232 портов:
  • Начать сессию мониторинга;
  • Сохранить все входящие и исходящие последовательно-передаваемые данные в файл;
  • Воспроизвести записанную сессию мониторинга и передать ее из приложения обратно в COM-порт;
  • Сравнить сессии.

С приложением Serial Port Analyzer вы можете одновременно мониторить любое количество последовательных портов. Просто добавьте все последовательные интерфейсы, данные о которых вам нужны, в текущую сессию мониторинга вы сразу же увидите информацию об их входящем и исходящем трафике.

VSPE API COM interface (VSPE_ComServer.idl)

import "oaidl.idl";
import "ocidl.idl";

interface IVSPE : IDispatch


     HRESULT vspe_activate( BSTR key,  BOOL* Result);


     HRESULT vspe_initialize( BOOL* Result);


     HRESULT vspe_loadConfiguration( BSTR name,  BOOL* Result);


     HRESULT vspe_saveConfiguration( BSTR name,  BOOL* Result);


     HRESULT vspe_createDevice( BSTR name,  BSTR initString,  BOOL* Result);


     HRESULT vspe_destroyDevice( LONG deviceId,  BOOL* Result);


     HRESULT vspe_reinitializeDevice( LONG deviceId,  BOOL* Result);


     HRESULT vspe_destroyAllDevices( BOOL* Result);


     HRESULT vspe_startEmulation( BOOL* Result);


     HRESULT vspe_stopEmulation( BOOL* Result);


     HRESULT vspe_release();


     HRESULT vspe_getDevicesCount( LONG* Result);


     HRESULT vspe_getDeviceIdByIdx( LONG idx,  LONG* Result);


     HRESULT vspe_getDeviceInfo( LONG deviceId,  BSTR* name,  BSTR* initString,  LONG* ok,  LONG* used,  BOOL* Result);


     HRESULT vspe_getVersionInformation( BSTR* result);


     HRESULT vspe_getDeviceIdByComPortIndex( LONG ComPortIdx,  LONG* result);

library VSPELib
    coclass VSPEApi
         interface IVSPE;


Meaning of Virtual Serial Port Emulator?

Virtual Serial Port Emulator is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Как создать виртуальные порты?

Для их создания предусмотрены специализированные программы. Стоит выбирать те, которые предлагают нам установить нужные для виртуальных портов драйвера, поскольку их поиск — не очень приятное занятие.

Скачайте и установите программу Advanced Virtual COM Port. Установка занимает считаные минуты, при этом на одном из этапов нам предложат драйвер:

Программа для настройки виртуального com-порта в windows

Соглашаемся и нажимаем «Установить». Следует подождать несколько минут — не пугайтесь, если потребуется 5–10 минут. Это нормально.
После установки, заходим в программу и видим главное окно:

Кернел про -для настройки виртуального com-порта в windows

Оно содержит три основных вкладки: Общие (расширенные), клиентские и локальные порты.

Вкладка общие (или расширенные) порты позволяет делиться COM-портами через локальную сеть (LAN) или интернет. Таким образом, данные с виртуальных портов могут быть легко и быстро переданы другим пользователям.
Вкладка клиентские порты позволяют создавать порты на компьютере, которые подключаются к расширенным портам через виртуальный кабель нуль-модема. Стоит сказать, что виртуальный кабель программа предусматривает автоматически.
Вкладка локальные порты даёт возможность просматривать, создавать и удалять все пары виртуальных COM-портов.

Перейдём во вкладку локальные порты и нажмём кнопку Add. Перед нами откроется окно, предлагающее создать пару COM-портов, которые предполагаются быть соединёнными виртуальным нуль-модемным кабелем:

Создание виртуального com-порта в windows7

Жмём ОК. Переходим в Панель управления -> Система -> Диспетчер устройств.
Видим, что наши COM-порты были успешно созданы:

Виртуальные com-порты windows

Виртуальный COM порт для Windows 7

Последовательный или COM-порт — это интерфейс стандарта RS-232, который служит для подключения различного оборудования к компьютеру. Из-за ограничения в размере информации (1 бит), передаваемой за один раз, данный порт получил второе название: последовательный. Интересным является тот факт, что в различных интерфейсах, таких как Ethernet или USB информация передаются также — последовательно, однако, такое название за ними не закрепилось.

Что делать если в компьютере нет COM-порта?

Изначально COM-порты использовались для подключения терминалов, модемов и мыши. В современное время основное назначение сводится к подключению всевозможных источников питания, микроконтроллеров, вычислительных систем, кассовых аппаратов и других устройств. Также COM-порт очень активно использовался для синхронизации компьютеров: к примеру, ноутбука с персональным компьютером. Сейчас такой подход сменился использованием USB-порта.

Complete list of available features

# Feature Windows Linux
1 Possibility to share COM ports and devices via TCP/IP network
2 TCP/IP and UDP/IP protocols support
3 Effortlessly connect to remote host through TCP/IP Telnet protocol, with the RFC 2217 Telnet extensions for serial Port Control
4 No limitation on the quantity of COM ports to be shared contemporaneously for remote connections
5 Create an unlimited number of virtual COM ports or connections (depends solely on your system resources)
6 Managing states of port signal lines in connections (only for real ports)
7 Check connection integrity using the option «send command to keep connection alive»
8 Possibility of sending event-specific data (on reaching a certain data block size, on acquiring some chars, or on special timeouts)
9 Assign any names to your COM ports as they are not restricted to COMxx only
10 High speed exchange of data to/from virtual COM port (down to 256 Kbits)
11 There is no difference between virtual and real physical serial ports’ functioning (native virtual ports of the Linux kernel are used)
12 Automatic connection restoration within a customizable timeout on connection losses
13 Increasing small packet transmission speed by turning off Nagle algorithm
14 Dynamically alter serial port parameters without the need to re-create or reopen it (more capabilities)
15 Automatic configuration of ports on each computer startup
16 Possibility of mapping your real COM port to any other virtual or real port
17 Customizable advanced connection settings in Advanced mode (Advanced mode unavailable)
18 Effortlessly trace the software activity in «Activity log» (the log is noticeably more detailed)
19 Data transmission protection by traffic encryption and authorization system
20 COM port pairs offer visibly faster and more reliable connection speed than physical links
21 Possibility of creating your own libraries for encryption and authorization (solely OEM)
22 The software interface is user friendly and intuitive. Command-line options are also available. (for command-line version only)
23 Connecting TCP client to multiple servers with various authorization or/and encryption options
24 Hyperthreaded and multi-processor systems are fully supported
25 Can be run on virtual machines
26 Possibility to connect to multiple remote hosts simultaneously
27 Ability to change port names in Device Manager
28 Separate traffic statistics on: — a COM port, — every single TCP connection, — UDP datagrams.
29 Provides strict baudrate emulation for virtual ports
30 Ability to break certain TCP connections

Virtual Serial Port Driver PRO features

Virtual Serial Port Emulator PRO is a useful and complete software that operates based on the functionality of Serial Port Emulator. It’s a program that allows one to create virtual COM port bundles and create custom port parameters, meaning that the solution can be deployed in a range of scenarios. Virtual Serial Port Emulator PRO makes it possible for you to manage real and virtual COM ports in a stress-free manner.

Splitting and Joining COM ports

Virtual Serial Port Emulator PRO makes it possible to split physical serial ports such as COM 1 into multiple virtual COM ports such as COM2, COM3, COM4, etc. they show up in the system as the replica of hardware serial interface. Also, the software allows the sharing of lots of hardware serial ports among multiple applications. The serial port emulation software helps you in the linking of multiple virtual COM ports to a single real physical port. When a serial application is connected to this real serial port, it will receive data from all connected virtual COM ports at the same time.

Creating bundle connections

This standout feature which is available in the PRO version of this Virtual Serial Port Emulator allows the creation and managing of complex bundles of serial ports. This implies that you can transmit data in and out through a limitless number of physical and virtual serial interfaces. When serial data is received by the ‘IN’ side, it is redirected to all COM ports at the ‘OUT’ side of a bundle and vice versa.

More importantly, setting up Main Port for each side of a bundle (In/Out), makes it easy to manage hardware control lines.

Switching ports automatically

In case your application only supports a few ports, a switcher can be used. A switcher is a critical component of Virtual Serial Port Emulator PRO. This option makes it possible to connect multiple physical ports into one virtual port, and then in the required app, set up a switcher to this virtual COM port.

If there’s a time your program requires a serial port connection, the switcher easily senses the availability of a COM port that is not in use in the list of connected ports and presents it to the app. This implies that your program will interact automatically with free serial ports as though the ports were always unchanged.

Merging COM ports

Serial Port Emulator PRO’s new advanced functionality allows you to add a limitless number of physical and virtual COM ports to only one serial bundle not separated into ‘IN’ and «OUT’ sides. All information sent to the port is replicated to every other real and virtual port within the bundle. This feature ensures that all applications or devices can exchange data with multiple applications or devices at the same time.

Virtual Serial Port Driver PRO features

Virtual Serial Port Driver PRO is an efficient and complete software that works based on the functionality of Virtual Serial Port Driver. The program makes it possible to create bundles of virtual serial ports and put in place custom parameters, making it a solution that can be used in various scenarios. Virtual Serial Port Driver PRO allows you to manage real and virtual COM ports easily and conveniently.

Splitting and joining COM ports

With Virtual Serial Port Driver PRO, you can split physical serial ports (such as COM 1) into multiple communication ports (COM2, COM3, COM4, and so on) which are shown in the system as same copies of a hardware serial interface. Also, the software solution allows hardware serial ports to be shared among several applications. The software solution will make it possible to link multiple real physical COM ports to a single virtual port. When a serial application is connected to this virtual port, it will receive data from all connected COM ports at the same time.

Creating bundle connections

This unique functionality that the software PRO version offers enables you to set up and manage complex serial ports bundles. This implies that you can transmit serial data in and out by a limitless number of physical and virtual COM interfaces. Serial data will be received by a COM port the ‘IN’ side and then redirected to all COM ports at the ‘OUT’ side of a bundle and vice versa.

More so, creating Main port for each side of a bundle (In/Out), enhances the process of hardware control lines management.

Switching ports automatically

In case the number of ports your application can only work with is limited, a switcher, which is a unique feature of Virtual Serial Port Driver PRO, can be used. This option makes is possible for you to connect multiple physical ports to a single virtual port (you also have the option of assigning the same name to all the ports), and set up a switcher to this virtual rs232 port in via the appropriate app.

Whenever your program needs to connect to a serial port, the switcher will go ahead to identify a non-occupied COM port in the list of connected ports and make it available to the app. This implies that your program will automatically interact with any free serial port as though they were connected to the same port.

Merging COM ports

Virtual Serial Port Driver PRO’s new advanced feature allows you to add an unlimited number virtual COM port to single serial port bundle not divided into ‘IN’ and ‘OUT’ sides. Whatever is set to one port will be replicated to other real and virtual ports of the bundle. Thanks to this breakthrough feature, every application or device can now exchange data with multiple applications/device at the same time.

Features of Virtual Serial Port Driver PRO

Virtual Serial Port Emulator PRO is a comprehensive and effective software tool that extends the features and functionality of Serial Port Emulator. This software allows the emulation of virtual COM port bundles with customizable parameters, offering a versatile solution that can be used in many diverse scenarios. Management of both physical and virtual serial ports can be accomplished with the user-friendly interface of Virtual Serial Port Emulator PRO.

Splitting and Joining COM ports

Physical COM ports (COM1) can be split into multiple serial ports (COM2, COM3, COM4) by using Virtual Serial Port Emulator PRO. When you create these virtual COM port pairs, they appear to your system as copies of the original physical port. Another feature of the serial emulation is the ability of multiple applications to share physical serial interfaces. This software tool lets you link a number of physical serial interfaces to one emulated COM port. Serial applications that connect to the virtual port can now receive data simultaneously from all of the connected real serial ports.

Creating bundle connections

Creating and managing complex bundles of COM ports is a feature that is unique to Virtual Serial Port Emulator PRO. The implications of this functionality is your ability to transmit serial data to an unlimited number of virtual or real serial ports. COM ports receiving data on the ‘IN’ can redirect to all of the bundle’s ‘OUT’ side serial ports and this process can work in both directions.

Management of hardware control lines is improved by creation of a Main port for both the ‘IN’ and ‘OUT’ side of a bundle.

Switching ports automatically

A notable feature of Virtual Serial Port Emulator PRO enables expanded functionality for applications that can only use a limited number of serial ports. This option uses a switcher to enable your application to employ a single virtual port to be connected to several physical ports. You can also assign the same name to all of your ports.

Now when your application requires a COM port connection, the switcher identifies an open serial port from the list of connected ports and offers it to the program. This allows your application to seamlessly interact with whichever ports are free while appearing to be connected to the same port.

Merging COM ports

One of this software’s advanced features enables the addition of unlimited numbers of virtual serial ports to a single COM port bundle that has not been divided into ‘IN’ and OUT’ sides. Replication from the single port to all connected physical and virtual ports of the bundle allows any application or device to simultaneously exchange data with multiple other applications or devices.

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