Rakuten shugi(rakuten basic principles)

Five Principles for Success

Rakuten Group has an unswerving commitment to building an egalitarian society by empowering individuals and companies to be successful in business and in life. The Five Principles for Success are designed to keep each of us on track, to ensure we make continuous progress toward our ultimate goals.

Always Improve, Always Advance

There are only two kinds of people in the world:
Best Effort people are satisfied with the status quo; when they fail, they console themselves by saying «I did my best.»
Get Things Done people are absolutely committed to reaching their goals.
With enough determination and effort—by being a Get Things Done person—you can achieve anything.

Passionately Professional

Rakuten is an organization composed of true professionals.
Real professionals in any field—whether in sports, the arts, science, business or anything else—only reach the top because they have the self-discipline to develop and improve themselves continuously.
Only by consistently working many times harder than our competitors can we consistently win.

Maximize Customer Satisfaction

Rakuten is first and foremost a service company. We’re proud to serve our customers and we ceaselessly seek to improve their experience.

Brand Concepts

Brand Concepts represent values that we aim to realize through the businesses and other activities of Rakuten Group.

大義名分 -On a Mission: Empowerment-

We believe that the only way for a business to grow over the long term is to contribute to the world so significantly that people can’t imagine life without it. Our contribution to the world is empowerment, and our mission is to build a fair society by empowering individuals and companies to be successful in business and in life. The more people we can empower, the more completely we will fulfill this mission.

品性高潔 -Behave Ethically: Integrity-

We believe that the means of pursuing a mission are as important as the ends. Rakuten Group is committed to conducting business with honesty, sincerity and dignity.

用意周到 -Prepare to Succeed: Professionalism-

Though we have an important mission, unless we succeed in business we won’t be able to contribute to society. To help each of us succeed, Rakuten Group has established the Five Principles for Success. By taking the initiative to prepare thoroughly and execute effectively, and by practicing the Five Principles for Success, we ensure our success.

信念不抜 -Complete Commitment: Get Things Done-

We face intense competition. The importance of our mission requires us never to give up. When circumstances change, we adjust our plans so that we still accomplish our goals. Through a complete commitment to Get Things Done, we make continuous progress toward achieving that mission.

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