Hpe proliant microserver gen10 plus v gen10 hardware overview


Upgrade Requirement:Optional — Users should update to this version if their system is affected by one of the documented fixes or if there is a desire to utilize any of the enhanced functionality provided by this version.

The 2019.12.0 Gen10 SPP Production release contains components supporting the ProLiant and Apollo Gen10 and Gen10 Plus server platforms and options. 

The 2019.12.0 Gen10 SPP Production release provides support for:

  • Smart Update Manager 8.5.0(A)
  • Online Firmware support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0

For a complete list of components on the ISO, see the SPP Contents Report on the ISO or the SPP page (documentation tab).

Release Notes

End User License Agreements:HPE Software License Agreement v1

Upgrade Requirement:Optional — Users should update to this version if their system is affected by one of the documented fixes or if there is a desire to utilize any of the enhanced functionality provided by this version.


Important Notes:


Deliverable Name:

HP ProLiant MicroServer Gen8 System ROM — J06

Release Version:


Last Recommended or Critical Revision:


Previous Revision:


Firmware Dependencies:

iLO Chassis Manager (CM) 1.30 is required for changing the hyperthreading setting from the iLO CM command-line.

Enhancements/New Features:

Added support for Intel i3-2130 and i3-3240 processors.

Problems Fixed:


Known Issues:


Installation Instructions

To ensure the integrity of your download, HPE recommends verifying your results with
this SHA-256 Checksum value:

25abc43c293043d2580ddccd6554af3ff7434722425acd90b1ae04baa79bd6b2 SP99233.exe

Reboot Requirement:Reboot is required after installation for updates to take effect and hardware stability to be maintained.


1. Obtain a formatted USB Key media.

2. Download the SoftPaq to a directory on a system running Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, or Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 and change to that directory.

3. From that drive and directory, execute the downloaded SoftPaq file: Simply double click on the SPxxxxx.exe file and follow the installation wizard to complete the SoftPaq installation process. At the end of a successful installation of the SoftPaq a web page will automatically appear to provide you with the different methods for restoring and/or upgrading the firmware on the system.

4. After the USB Key is created, you may delete the downloaded file if you wish.

5. Insert this USB Key into the USB Key port of the system to be updated and power the system on to boot to the USB Key.

Installation Instructions

To ensure the integrity of your download, HPE recommends verifying your results with
this MD5 Checksum value:

daa28bd4005f0a918d597bc3a5caf625 SP72052.exe

Reboot Requirement:Reboot is required after installation for updates to take effect and hardware stability to be maintained.


1. Obtain a formatted USB Key media.

2. Download the SoftPaq to a directory on a system running Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, or Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 and change to that directory.

3. From that drive and directory, execute the downloaded SoftPaq file: Simply double click on the SPxxxxx.exe file and follow the installation wizard to complete the SoftPaq installation process. At the end of a successful installation of the SoftPaq a web page will automatically appear to provide you with the different methods for restoring and/or upgrading the firmware on the system.

4. After the USB Key is created, you may delete the downloaded file if you wish.

5. Insert this USB Key into the USB Key port of the system to be updated and power the system on to boot to the USB Key.

Final Words

Adding iLO 5 as well as significantly higher performance CPU options means that power consumption and cost are up with this generation. We are going to show the impacts of these in our review and compare them to the Opteron-based Gen10 system. That review has so much going into it that it is taking a lot of time but we wanted to show off some of the side-by-side hardware advancements made on the new ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Plus in the meantime. Overall, HPE did a great job with the new MicroServer.

Stay tuned to STH for more.

Update: you can now read our formal ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Plus Review.


Upgrade Requirement:Critical — HPE requires users update to this version immediately.

Important Notes:

This revision of the System ROM includes the latest revision of the Intel microcode which, in combination with operating system updates, provides mitigation for Variant 2 of the Side Channel Analysis vulnerability, also known as Spectre. The revision of the microcode included in this System ROM does NOT have issues with more frequent reboots and unpredictable system behavior which impacted the previous Intel microcode which was part of the Spectre Variant 2 mitigation.  Additional information is available from Intel’s Security Exploit Newsroom, https://newsroom.intel.com/press-kits/security-exploits-intel-products/.

Firmware Dependencies:


Problems Fixed:

Updated the Intel processor microcode to the latest version.

Known Issues:



Important Notes:

This revision of the System ROM includes the latest revision of the Intel microcode which, in combination with operating system updates, provides mitigation for Variant 2 of the Side Channel Analysis vulnerability, also known as Spectre. The revision of the microcode included in this System ROM does NOT have issues with more frequent reboots and unpredictable system behavior which impacted the previous Intel microcode which was part of the Spectre Variant 2 mitigation. Additional information is available from Intel’s Security Exploit Newsroom, https://newsroom.intel.com/press-kits/security-exploits-intel-products/.

For Windows 2008 R2, install all Windows critical update.  Windows 2008 R2 critical update will include security update KB3033395 that will support SHA-2
For Windows 2008 SP2 requires KB4039648 be installed which is not part of the Windows Update 2008 SP2.   Follow this link to download the KB4039648https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4039648/update-to-add-sha2-code-signing-support-for-windows-server-2008-sp2

Deliverable Name:

HP ProLiant MicroServer Gen8 System ROM — J06

Release Version:


Last Recommended or Critical Revision:


Previous Revision:


Firmware Dependencies:


Enhancements/New Features:


Problems Fixed:

Updated the Intel processor microcode to the latest version.

Known Issues:


Краткий обзор HPE ProLiant MicroServer

Серверное оборудование всегда было достаточно дорогим и подобрать подходящий по бюджету вариант в сегменте SOHO/SMB было очень непросто. Однако, в компании HP сумели предложить потребителям надежное, компактное и недорогое решение начального уровня, выпустив в начале 2011 года первую версию HP ProLiant MicroServer.

MicroServer быстро завоевал популярность в виду своих скромных габаритов и серьёзного подхода к выбору компонентов и качеству сборки, не уступающих топовым продуктам компании. Всегда предпочитаю использовать именно брендовые варианты серверов (например DELL или HP) в виду их большей продуманности и качества изготовления, в отличие от тех же Supermicro. Пусть они и стоят дороже, но тут всё глаз радует. Конечно, это всего лишь моё оценочное суждение, и да простят меня любители бренда Supermicro.

Итак первым преимуществом можно записать габариты устройства, представляющего собой практически кубик со сторонами 23.5×23.0x25.4 см (ВxШxГ). Так что новая версия ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 с заявленной повышенной производительностью и в том же форм-факторе, что и бестселлер предыдущего поколения Gen8.

Хотя, на мой взгляд, Gen10, выполненный в новом корпоративном стиле, выглядит не так эффектно, как его предшественник. Мне всегда нравились статусные индикаторы на передней панели, которые теперь вовсе убрали. Однако, это всё вкусовщина.

Вторым неоспоримым преимуществом у ProLiant MicroServer была и остаётся практически бесшумная работа. Не надо придумывать куда бы его приткнуть в маленьком офисе или дома, чтобы только не чувствовать себя как на взлётной площадке аэродрома.

Итак, мы взяли младшую модель с 2-ядерным процессором AMD Opteron X3216 1.6 ГГц и двумя графическими ядрами Radeon R7, который поддерживает память DDR4 до 1600 МГц и размещается под пассивным радиатором охлаждения!

Имеется ещё 2 модификации, отличающимися 4-х ядерными процессорами X3418 и X3421 с 6 и 8 графическими ядрами соотвественно и памятью DDR4 уже на 2400 МГц. В моём случае наличие дополнительных графических ядер погоды не делает, а сравнительных тестов процессоров мне найти не удалось. Встретилось правда упоминание, что Opteron X3421 превосходит по производительности Xeon-1220, но там ни слова не было про Opteron x3216.

Но самое неприятное в новых HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10, по сравнению с Gen8, это то, что теперь процессор распаян на материнской плате и заменить его не получится. На этом фоне, даже отсутствие интерфейса iLO4, не вызывает особого огорчения. Зато возможностей для расширения стало больше: появился слот PCIe Gen3 x8 и второй слот x4. Ещё чуть не забыл упомянуть что USB-порты 2.0 и 3.0 не имеют никакого цветового различия, что весьма странно.

За построение RAID 0/1/10 отвечает чип Marvell 88SE9230. Как и прежде имеется 4 отсека для SATA-дисков, но в отличие от Gen8, для дисков не требуется дополнительных крепёжных скоб, достаточно просто вкрутить винты с корпуса и вставить диски.

Сверху корпуса имеется возможность установить оптический привод или твердотельный накопитель. Для этого нужно дозаказать специальное крепление HPE 870212-B21 MicroServer Gen10 Slim SFF Enable Kit. Кстати, на сайте Ситилинка, где заказывали сервак, размещена не правильная фотка от конвертера под 3.5″ диски 870213-B21 NHP SFF CONVERTER KIT, которые различаются одной цифрой в номере. Так что будьте внимательны при заказе.

Installation Instructions

To ensure the integrity of your download, HPE recommends verifying your results with
the following SHA-256 Checksum values:

a49b572cbdde660ee64a14a73a32386a8442e370d6c1e7b5c921de5c7bc10088 SPP2019120.2019_1219.1.iso
df2d271d3bcc2c729736b207527fc98aec4a3578559e8292fe9a38cf79e20c5a SPP2019120.2019_1219.1.iso.md5sum
277c0be97c1655e9e6aa107d291f1c3a34586926389eb3c0bd84cf26be569610 SPP2019120.2019_1219.1_Components.sha256
0d4c1593bbf64c977ba908f62124dd8f6cff0befa7de388e5669e9dfe6aff177 SPP2019120.2019_1219.1_Components.md5
af63ad6f6ec6755a7698384c5d49ed261e2f019dd34114f2860bacae28a19b71 SPP2019120.2019_1219.1.iso.sha2sum

Reboot Requirement:Reboot may be required after installation for updates to take effect and hardware stability to be maintained.


There are two methods for using the Service Pack for ProLiant to update your ProLiant servers: Online mode and Offline mode.

Online mode — Runs on a Windows or Linux hosted operating system

Interactive mode — Follow the onscreen steps to update firmware components
To initiate deployment in interactive mode, run the launch_sum.bat (windows) or launch_sum.sh (Linux) script which is found in the root of the .ISO image

Offline mode — Server is booted to the .ISO image

  • Automatic mode — Firmware components will be updated without interaction
    Automatic mode will by default run firmware update without any user interaction after sitting 10 seconds at the menu screen when an SPP .iso image is used to boot the server.
  • Interactive mode — Follow the onscreen steps to update firmware components

Click here for the Service Pack for ProLiant Release Notes

Кому подойдёт HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10

Какие можно сделать выводы? В качестве терминального сервера на базе Windows Server 2016, MicroServer Gen10 не вывозит работу с 1С v8.3 в принципе. Вернее то как это работает, нормальной работой назвать язык не повернётся.

Тут надо отдать должное и ещё совершенно не оптимизированной конфигурации 1C, на которую в данное время только переходят, но в любом случае загружаются базы катастрофически долго и это с учётом что всё размещено на SSD. Всё упирается именно в производительность процессора AMD Opteron x3216.

Если требуется терминальным режим, то его можно использовать для совместной работы с документами в Word, Excel или CRM системой до 5-7 рабочих мест. Удивительно, но на нём вполне не плохо себя чувствует Autocad для каких-то небольших инженерных проектов, видимо за счёт весьма приличного графического ядра процессора. Гораздо более дорогие сервера не могут этим похвастать.

Ну и идеальным вариантом использования HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 остаётся работа в качестве интернет-шлюза (даже весьма крупной организации). На нём с успехом могут одновременно работать WEB-сервер, почтовый сервер, firewall и маршрутизация пакетов, ОpenVPN сервер или NAS. В общем, всё что крутится под *NIX.

  • QuickSpecs HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 QuickSpecs_HPE_Gen10.pdf
  • HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 User Guide HPE_MicroServer_Gen10_User_Guide.pdf

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Revision History

Version:2020.03.1 (31 Jul 2020)


Upgrade Requirement:Optional — Users should update to this version if their system is affected by one of the documented fixes or if there is a desire to utilize any of the enhanced functionality provided by this version.

*REMOVED* — Version Gen10 2020.03.1 is NO LONGER AVAILABLE for download. Replacement version will be available soon. For more information, refer to HPE Customer Bulletin at the following URL: https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/docDisplay?docId=emr_na-a00102358en_us



Version:2020.03.0 (3 Apr 2020)


Upgrade Requirement:Optional — Users should update to this version if their system is affected by one of the documented fixes or if there is a desire to utilize any of the enhanced functionality provided by this version.

The 2020.03.0 Gen10 SPP Production release contains components supporting the ProLiant and Apollo Gen10 and Gen10 Plus server platforms and options. This SPP is a maintenance release containing Smart Update Manager (SUM) 8.5.0(A) and driver support for:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5

2020.03.0 Gen10 SPP release supersedes the 2019.12.0 Gen10 SPP. 

For a complete list of components on the ISO, see the SPP Contents Report on the ISO or the SPP page (documentation tab).

Version:2019.12.1 (31 Jul 2020)


Upgrade Requirement:Optional — Users should update to this version if their system is affected by one of the documented fixes or if there is a desire to utilize any of the enhanced functionality provided by this version.

*REMOVED* — Version Gen10 2019.12.1 is NO LONGER AVAILABLE for download. Replacement version will be available soon. For more information, refer to HPE Customer Bulletin at the following URL: https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/docDisplay?docId=emr_na-a00102358en_us



Version:2019.12.0 (6 Jan 2020)


Upgrade Requirement:Optional — Users should update to this version if their system is affected by one of the documented fixes or if there is a desire to utilize any of the enhanced functionality provided by this version.

The 2019.12.0 Gen10 SPP Production release contains components supporting the ProLiant and Apollo Gen10 and Gen10 Plus server platforms and options. 

The 2019.12.0 Gen10 SPP Production release provides support for:

  • Smart Update Manager 8.5.0(A)
  • Online Firmware support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0

For a complete list of components on the ISO, see the SPP Contents Report on the ISO or the SPP page (documentation tab).

Installation Instructions

To ensure the integrity of your download, HPE recommends verifying your results with
this SHA-256 Checksum value:

9916c1a3c45d5e7307563d934fda33cd67dd188dad968ed8d0e67faf3d90847a cp035011.exe

Reboot Requirement:Reboot is required after installation for updates to take effect and hardware stability to be maintained.


To update firmware from Windows operating system on target server:

1.     Place the Component in a temporary directory.
2.     From the same directory, run the Component by double-clicking it.
3.     When the Component dialog window displays, click the Install button to initiate the firmware upgrade.
4.     Reboot your system if you would like the update to take effect immediately.

Supplemental updates for supported ProLiant servers and options can be done by using HP Smart Update Manager, which is found on the Service Pack for ProLiant ISO.

  • Place the Service Pack for ProLiant on a USB key using the USB Key Creator Utility.
  • Place the desired components to be updated in the directory, \hp\swpackages on the USB key.

Update the firmware and software in the usual manner.

This component can only be executed on Windows x64.


Upgrade Requirement:Critical — HPE requires users update to this version immediately.

Important Notes:

This revision of the System ROM includes the latest revision of the Intel microcode which, in combination with operating system and/or hypervisor updates, provides mitigation for a new group of side channel vulnerabilities known as Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS). This includes support for mitigating the following vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-12126 — Microarchitectural Store Buffer Data Sampling, CVE-2018-12130 — Microarchitectural Fill Buffer Data Sampling, CVE-2018-12127 — Microarchitectural Load Port Data Sampling, and CVE-2019-11091 — Microarchitectural Data Sampling Uncacheable Memory. These issues are not unique to HPE servers.

Firmware Dependencies:


Problems Fixed:

This revision of the System ROM includes the latest revision of the Intel microcode which, in combination with operating system and/or hypervisor updates, provides mitigation for a new group of side channel vulnerabilities known as Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS). This includes support for mitigating the following vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-12126 — Microarchitectural Store Buffer Data Sampling, CVE-2018-12130 — Microarchitectural Fill Buffer Data Sampling, CVE-2018-12127 — Microarchitectural Load Port Data Sampling, and CVE-2019-11091 — Microarchitectural Data Sampling Uncacheable Memory. These issues are not unique to HPE servers.

Known Issues:



Important Notes:

This revision of the System ROM includes the latest revision of the Intel microcode which, in combination with operating system and/or hypervisor updates, provides mitigation for a new group of side channel vulnerabilities known as Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS). This includes support for mitigating the following vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-12126 — Microarchitectural Store Buffer Data Sampling, CVE-2018-12130 — Microarchitectural Fill Buffer Data Sampling, CVE-2018-12127 — Microarchitectural Load Port Data Sampling, and CVE-2019-11091 — Microarchitectural Data Sampling Uncacheable Memory. These issues are not unique to HPE servers.

Deliverable Name:

HP ProLiant MicroServer Gen8 System ROM — J06

Release Version:


Last Recommended or Critical Revision:


Previous Revision:


Firmware Dependencies:


Enhancements/New Features:


Problems Fixed:

This revision of the System ROM includes the latest revision of the Intel microcode which, in combination with operating system and/or hypervisor updates, provides mitigation for a new group of side channel vulnerabilities known as Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS). This includes support for mitigating the following vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-12126 — Microarchitectural Store Buffer Data Sampling, CVE-2018-12130 — Microarchitectural Fill Buffer Data Sampling, CVE-2018-12127 — Microarchitectural Load Port Data Sampling, and CVE-2019-11091 — Microarchitectural Data Sampling Uncacheable Memory. These issues are not unique to HPE servers.

Known Issues:


Release Notes

End User License Agreements:HPE Software License Agreement v1BSD LicensegSOAP Software End User License AgreementLibcurl End User License AgreementThe MIT License AgreementOpenSSL License Agreementzlib End User License AgreementHewlett-Packard End User License AgreementOpenSSL License Agreement, Version 0.9.8PNG Graphics File Format Software End User License AgreementUEFI EDK2 LicenseBladeSystem Onboard Administrator Software End User License AgreementApache License Version 2.0, January 2004Eclipse LicenseGNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999Net-SNMP LicenseSNIA LicenseBoost LicenseBoost-MIT Combined LicenseBSD 4 Clause LicenseBSD 2 Clause LicenseThe “New” BSD LicenseCDDL LicenseDistributable Code for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 SDKFreeBSD LicenseGNU General Public License, Version 3.0GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991Microsoft Software License Terms Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013 And Trial EditionMOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1.1OpenLDAP Software End User License AgreementOpenPegasus LicensePHP License, Version 3.01Sun Microsystems Inc. Swing Graphical End User License Agreement7-zip License

Upgrade Requirement:Optional — Users should update to this version if their system is affected by one of the documented fixes or if there is a desire to utilize any of the enhanced functionality provided by this version.


Please review the following notices pertaining to critical FW updates:

  • CB a00097210en_us- HPE Smart Array SR Gen10 Controllers — FIRMWARE UPDATE REQUIRED to Prevent Potential Data Inconsistency on Select RAID Configurations Created with Smart Array Gen10 Firmware Version 1.98 through 2.62
  • CB a00094722en_us — HPE ProLiant, Synergy and Superdome Flex Host Bus Adapters (HBA) — Certain Fibre Channel HBA Firmware May Cause the Operating System to Halt and Potentially Compromise Filesystem Data Integrity

    • The QLogic Fibre Channel HBA firmware upgrade is required, which is described in the above Customer Bulletin for QLogic Fibre Channel (FC) Host Bus Adapters (HBAs), SN1100Q, SN1600Q and SN1610Q
    • After deploying the SPP, users must update to Multi Boot Image (MBI) version detailed in the Customer Bulletin immediately.
  • CA a00094676en_us — When using HPE OneView prior to version 5.00.00 and the 2019.12.0 SPP, an error may be seen during FW update of iLO5. CA has the additional information

The Gen10 production SPP is available for download at HPE Support Center by logging into HPE Passport.  Gen9 system ROMs are not included in the Gen10 production SPP.  Components for the following Operating Systems are no longer included in this SPP:

•Windows 2012

•RHEL 6 (all updates)

•vSphere 6.0 (all updates)

HPE StoreOnce Customers – Installation of the SPP can cause problems on StoreOnce systems.  Please go to the HPE Support Center at https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/home/result?qt=storeonce to find the appropriate StoreOnce update. 

Components for the G7 and Gen8 server platforms are available in the Post-Production SPPs and can be downloaded from www.hpe.com/servers/SPP/download. For additional information, please refer to Reducing Server Updates. 

Note: Products sold prior to the separation of Hewlett-Packard Company into Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company and HP Inc. on November 1, 2015 may have a product name and model number that differ from current models.


For a specific list of firmware and software smart components included with this ISO, please see the Service Pack for ProLiant Release Notes or Service Pack for ProLiant Contents Report.
For firmware and driver support for specific hardware, go to the following URL: http://www.hpe.com/support.

Supported Devices and Features:

For supported hardware, see the Service Pack for ProLiant Server Support Guide.

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